
68% of the IT departments are unable to demonstrate value to their business. The business and IT relationship is under strain, both parties blaming the other. IT is under increasing pressure to improve. New, disruptive technologies such as Cloud and social media, are emerging rapidly and businesses are demanding more and more IT. How can IT align with the business to ensure investments in emerging technologies deliver value, without negatively impacting existing services and capabilities? How can IT and business improve their relationship and gain a better understanding of each other? This Grab@Pizza simulation can be played by both business & IT people and can help create a better understanding and a shared commitment for improving business & IT alignment capabilities.
- Creating Business Value through IT
- Developing an outside-in Customer focus
- Understanding how to practically apply best practice such as COBIT, BRM (Business Reslationship management) to realize a sustainable change in attitude, behavior and culture in both the business & IT
- Transforming ITSM and ITIL® into a strategic capability
- Aligning IT and business decision making
- Improving end-to-end collaboration and communication
Why is this?
- IT is still too internally focused and no always seen as a strategic business partner.
- There is still too much focus on adopting the frameworks and not focusing on realizing a sustainable change in Attitude, behavior and culture in both Business and IT.
- The majority of IT organizations are still experiencing top ABC of ICT worst practices (as identified by more than 3000 IT organizations).
- Not understanding business impact and priority
- IT is too internal focused
- Too little Business involvement in requirements specification and testing
Grab@Pizza is a very successful company selling millions of Pizza’s every year. But after 6 months in the current year, the sales figures are far below expectations. The CEO urged the Business Manager to make a challenging recovery plan. This plan is based on a 6 month strategy to bring the sales and profit back on target. IT is a crucial enabler for reaching new markets, streamlining processes and reducing administrative overheads. The IT department must organize themselves to explore the business demands, translate them to IT strategy and organize IT Support, IT Operations and Change Management to ensure that the Business is successful at the end of the simulation.
This simulation can be used for many different situations. For each of the scenario’s we can offer separate reflection and discussions during the improvement cycles.
The simulation can be combined with COBIT (Governance) and ITIL (Service Management) trainings.